Riding the Wave Reef Restoration

We are thrilled to launch the second installment of our “Riding the Wave” series, a speaker series where experts talk with Iberostar on the importance of our oceans and how we can all play a role in its protection. Solutions for rebuilding reefs start with aligning targets, encouraging more work broadly across the Caribbean basin, preparing for climate change and working across industries. This series is focused on the importance of rebuilding coral reefs and explores the hope that can be found in reef restoration by discussing restoration’s goals, restoration in Latin America, confronting climate change and solutions for scaling. 

These discussions, which will appear on our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter starting July 24, will span two weeks and conclude on August 4. We will share conversations with speakers from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Fragments of Hope, the University of Southern California (USC), CINVESTAV, the University of Puerto Rico, Cal Academy, Reef Renewal and Uni Salento in a four-part discussion series. 

Keep an eye out on our social media platforms for a very exciting announcement following the conclusion of our Riding the Wave series! 

Our Riding the Wave: Rebuilding Coral Reefs schedule:

June 9: Riding the Wave: What are the goals of reef restoration? 

Lisa Carne from Fragments of Hope, Dr. Maya Trotz from Fragments of Hope and Tom Moore from NOAA talk with Dr. Megan Morikawa and Dr. Johanna Calle speak on the challenges of defining what successful reef restoration looks like. Is it possible to restore critical coral reefs?

June 10: Riding the Wave: Corales del Mundo (reef restoration in Latin America)? 

Dr. Ernesto Arias from CINVESTAV and Dr. Edwin Hernandez from the University of Puerto Rico  discuss the state of coral reefs in Latin America. Can we scale reef restoration and research in Latin America?

June 11: Riding the Wave: The 90%: Beating bleaching 

Dr. Carly Kenkel from the University of Southern California explores the challenges that reefs generally face with climate change. What do we need to do to ensure reefs can remain resilient in the face of climate change? How can the private sector contribute? 

June 12: Riding the Wave: Solutions for scaling 

Ken Nedimyer from Reef Renewal, Sergio Rossi from Uni Salento, and Rebecca Albright from Cal Academy discuss potential solutions for scaling reef restoration, what the average citizen can do to contribute and the role the private sector plays. Is it possible to scale reef restoration in an economically viable way? 

Picture of Nicholas

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